My Turtles - Snappers
Snappers |
Type Aquatic |
Additional Info: We have a friend that goes along the pond side and saves the eggs from being dug up by an animal. When he hatches them, he gives them to us and we raise them in an isolated tank. A few keep falling to the bottom and get water logged. We help them up and position them so they don't fall again. One was born with no eyes and died a month later. One fell out of the tank and walked around the house for a week without being noticed, was found as healthy as the others. We get them in the fall and release them in the spring. We release them in a swamp that is at least a half hour drive from our house.
Food: Floating Food Pellets
Fav. Past Time: Floating

| Species/Breed Snapping Turtle | Sex Assorted | Obtained Friend Hatches Them | Date Obtained Fall 1998-1999 | Date Released Spring 1999-2000 |