My Turtles - Mosey
Mosey |
Type Land |
Additional Info: Mosey is the first land turtle we decided to keep. This time we needed another tank to house her. Several times she has laid eggs, but none have ever hatched. She loves raw meatballs, worms, and other such items. She will respond when I call or bend my head down to see her, but she won't follow me or greet me.
Mosey laid eggs the first time in 1992, she then laid a second batch on Oct. 24, 1994.
Food: Raw Meatballs, Worms, Crickets, Cooked Turkey.
Fav. Past Time: Sleeping and walking around.

| Species/Breed Box Turtle | Sex Female | Obtained Bought off Person | Date Obtained Late Summer 1991 | Date Released Permanent Resident |