My Turtles - Mikey
Mikey |
Type Land |
Additional Info: Mikey was found by my dad along the roadside. When he brought him home, we put him on the floor and watched. It took him 1 hour before he came out of his shell. He was really jumpy and shy. After a few weeks he let us pick him without tucking in. We let him explore the house and one day he found a bathroom mirror we had sitting against the wall and started attacking it. He didn't realize it was his image and thought it was another turtle. To this day he still attacks himself. He also has a jagged edges on his shell, like it was cut into but healed again.
Food: Worms, crickets, mealworms, grasshoppers.
Fav. Past Time: Attacking himself in the mirror.

| Species/Breed Eastern Box Turtle | Sex Male | Obtained Roadside | Date Obtained Fall 1992 | Date Released Permanent Resident |